Ellerslie Cricket Club is proud to host its President’s Day at Little Bounds (NG2 7QA) on Sunday 3 September. The day will be a celebration of the club, from the youngest junior teams to the Saturday First XI.
The emphasis is on fun throughout the day with something for everyone, and all players (past, present and future), parents, carers and the local community at large is welcome and invited to attend.
The schedule for the day is as follows:
Centenary Six-a-Side Competition 10am-1pm
Playing for President's Cup
Junior Matches 1-3pm
A programme of matches showcasing our excellent junior section
Junior Awards 3-4.30pm
Centenary Sports Quiz 4.30-5pm
Each team to have 3 contestants
No entry fee and £60 prize money to the winning team!
Two Centenary Raffles Draw to take place at 5pm
Junior Raffle (16 and under) BLUE tickets £1 per strip of five tickets
Senior Raffle (17 and over) RED tickets £1 per strip of five tickets
Great prizes for both raffles - lists displayed in pavilion
There will be food and drink available as follows:
BBQ 12-2pm-ish
Burgers, hot dogs and all he usual favourites - vegetarian catered for!
Bar open 12-5pm
Side shows - for the youngsters (or those young at heart!)
Coconut shy
Beat-the-Buzzer (proved very popular on Family Day)
Giant Connect 4
Please come along and support your local community cricket club.